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Why are men so hung-up on having a good head of hair?

male hair loss stages and dealing with hair loss

Hair loss naturally occurs in the majority of men. But it is seen by many as a flaw to be cured. Socially it is considered to be unwelcome. A sign of aging, losing ones youthful appearance, and even good looks. Why are men so hung-up on having a good head of hair? If it is natural to lose hair why do men feel the need for a good head of hair?

Hair loss can have deep psychological effects for both men and woman. Consciously or subconsciously this can affect confidence. The way you may interact with others. This can lead to low self-esteem. The reminder of age. This is not helped by the competitive and ever so more image conscious world we live in. In the scheme of life a head of hair may to some seem a relatively unimportant aspect. But surveys have shown that people with a good head of hair are more likely to find employment when compared with their equally qualified, balding counterparts. Totally irrational and unfair but still a reality of the world we live in today.

In research behavioral studies scientists have indicated that having a good head of hair is linked to self-expression. In society plays a part in how we conduct and express ourselves.

Genetically wired to love hair

The science of Evolutionary Psychology explains well and can help us understand our behavior. The lust for a good head of hair. The approach of explaining human behavior based on the combination of evolutionary biology, anthropology, intellectual science, and the neurosciences. From these reconstructed problem-solving adaptations, it is possible to establish the common roots of our behavior. How those roots are manifested today in society around the world. The key is to understand human behavior that is universally. Aimed at the passing of one’s genes into the next generation. Much like the hair loss gene. But one difference is there is a possibility to make a constructive decision how we deal with this aspect.

So the man´s psychology is influenced by what he feels is important to a potential partner. If he feels his chances are reduced he will want to minimise the odds of rejection. This may seem a Freudian approach. But in broad terms it is correct and embedded within us. Even in nature, birds especially it is often the case the male birds plumage is far larger and more colourful than the females´.

Having the ability to restore something genetics has deprived us of can restore our own feel good factor. Understanding these deep rooted reasons why a head of hair is seen as important. Can go a long way into having a balanced outlook on the problem. Especially why men are so hung up on having a good head of hair.

A more youthful  appearance gives back the self- confidence and self-esteem. This can reach out in to all aspects of our lives, business and  personal. When we feel good about ourselves it shows to others in a confidence that does not have to be spoken. There are no barriers, age, gender and genre.

There is nothing wrong in wanting a better head of hair. It is not a weakness, nor is giving into stereotypes. But it is important to understand why and what can be achieved.

We offer free hair loss consultations online. They allow for your initial hair loss diagnosis. detailing your hair loss cause and current hair loss pattern. As a result this can lead to the potential treatment recommendation. Treatment can take a variety of options.

With minor genetic male pattern baldness often a hair loss treatment is this first and best option. This is especially true in younger hair loss sufferers. If hair restoration is required opposed to hair maintenance then a surgical treatment maybe the best option.

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